Saturday 18 June 2011


Today is not like other days. Today I've decided that enough is enough. You can't just wait for your life to turn out the way you want it to. You need to go for it. Life is enough about waiting as it is already, you don't need to make it worse. You wait to finish school, you wait yo get a job, you wait for your new place to get ready, you wait to get more friends, you wait to get a promotion, you wait to get better at something, you wait to get married, you wait to have kids.. I can go on forever but I think you get what I'm talking about. But enough with the waiting already! I think that I somehow thought that I had done my share of work for a while but that is not true. You've never done enough work for your own life. And just because you can't decide what your dream is or in what order you want things to happen doesn't mean that you can sit around and wait to make that decision. Start doing something, start doing anything! It doesn't necessary mean that's gonna be your passion for ever but in some way or another it will get you there. And it will have taught you something that someday you need to know. But don't sit around and wait for that someday because instead of happiness that someday will be full of regrets. So start doing something or start doing everything and prepare for that someday today.


  1. Wohoo! Bra skrivet! Kul att "se" dig in action again.
    oj, vilken språkblandning... bäst jag slänger in ett språk till:

